
●璀璨的女王之藍紫瞳孔~~丹泉石●Radiant queen bluish violet pupil~~Tanzania ◎璀璨的女王之藍紫瞳孔~~丹泉石◎ Radiant queen bluish violet pupil~~ Tanzania 丹泉石為黝簾石(Zoisite) 品種之一,被古代塞爾特民族(celr)珍視為「授與靈力之石」!它瑰麗、濃郁的藍紫色,深深的吸引我的目光,獨特的韻味,讓我致為喜愛! 今天特別在此介紹她與我的博客們好好分享! 1967年,在東非坦尚尼亞(Tanzania)北部的Merelani地區,有一位Masai土著被一高度透明,因風化而露出地表的濃藍色晶體簇給絆倒了。當地一位名叫德蘇扎Manuel dSouza的尋寶人聽到這個消息,立刻申請了四區的採礦權,德蘇扎期盼礦區所產的是新的藍寶石,沒有人知道這些美麗的晶體到底是什麼?但每個人都想趁機海撈一票。 1969年,寶石學家斷定出此藍色寶石乃是以矽、鈣和鋁為主要成份的黝簾石當中一種新的透明類種。此藍色寶石迅速受到歡迎,礦區原石源源不斷被挖出,且盜匪猖狂。 Tiffany & Co.國際集團介入了行銷推廣,並且為其取了和它非洲產地一樣具有異國風味的名字- Tanzanite,市場引起一片嘩然,寶石跟著在全球熱賣。我國已故的寶石學權威--張心洽,以上海發音取名中文為─丹泉石,原石常與紅寶石共生,據Colored stone(2001)雜誌調查報導,丹泉石2001年的總銷售量僅次於藍寶石與珍珠,排名第三,為近年來十分搶手的寶石,其珍貴度甚至可與高品質的藍寶石(sapphire)及祖母綠(emerald)相比擬。 Tanzanite(丹泉石)具有強烈的多色性, 當其置於二向色鏡下觀察時,會呈現藍色,紫色,灰黑色三種強烈不同的顏色.不同的方向會因為吸收微小差異波長的可見光,全世界所有的丹泉石全部都經過熱處理( heat treatment )的程序(無論是上百萬的佳品, 或是廣泛運用的melee),未經處理的丹泉石一般為褐色,馬賽原住民最初發現的藍色晶體算是例外,可能是之前某些時刻受到自然界的熱所改變。今日市場上95%的藍色丹泉石均是熱處理的成果,加熱至華氏1100度至1200度(600度C至650C)時,丹泉石將永恆地轉變為介於紫水晶及藍寶石之間的特殊藍紫色調,主要原因是成分中的釩元素發生了價位間的改變,這種熱處理是丹泉石的標準優化處理.這不僅大大提升了她的價值,也綻放出了她應有的美麗,形成了丹泉石最受人喜愛的特性.丹泉石(Tanzanite)在全世界只有一個產地--坦桑利亞,不若3 BIG(ruby, sapphire and emerald)有著廣泛的產地,能夠穩定地供應市場需求,坦桑利亞的丹泉石將在幾年後開採殆盡,這將造成高檔丹泉石躍升為超越3 BIG的主角,這也使得未來的丹泉石將一"石"難求! 結構 Structure鈄方晶系 tou side crystal system硬度 DH成分Ingredient 羥基矽酸鈣鋁hydroxyl calcium silicate aluminum比重 SG3.35折射率 RI.1.69-1.70雙折射 DR.0.010光澤 Luster玻璃光澤Gloss glassy Radiant queen bluish violet pupil~~ Tanzania The Tanzanite and rivers one of for (Zoisite) varieties, are treasured by ancient times Sehrt national (celr) are “award stone of the spirit strength”! It magnificent, rich royal purple, deep attracts my vision, the unique flavor, lets me send for the affection! Today in this introduced specially and my blogs share well!in 1967, in East Africa Tanzania northern Merelani area, some Masai indigenous one highly transparent, because of made decent reveals the surface the thick blue color crystal bunch for to trip. The local Germany Soviet grips Manuel dSouza the treasure hunt person hears this news, applies for four area mining rights immediately, Germany Su Za hoped for what the mining area produces is the new sapphire, nobody knew that what these beautiful crystals are? But each people want to seize the chance the sea to fish a 1969, the gem scientist concluded this blue color gem is take xi, the calcium and the aluminum as in the middle of the essential component Zoisite one kind of new transparent kind of kind. This blue color gem receives welcome rapidly, the mining area original stone is dug out continuously, and the robbers and bandits are wild.Tiffany & The Co. Group International involved the marketing promotion, and has taken and its Africa habitat for it has foreign land flavor name – Tanzanite equally, the market causes one piece in an uproar, gem with in global sale. Our country deceased gemology authority--Worries Qia, pronounces take Shanghai names Chinese as - the Dan Chan Stones, the original stone often with the ruby paragenesis, reported according to the Colored stone(2001) magazine investigation, the Tanzanite 2001 total sales volume was only inferior to the sapphire and the pearl, placed third, was the recent years very marketable gem, its precious even might compares with high quality sapphire (sapphire) and grandmother green (emerald).Tanzanite have the intense polychromy, when it puts under the dichroic mirror observes, will present the blue color, the purple, the cinereus three kind of intense different colors. Because the different direction will absorb the small difference wave length the visible light, world all Tanzanite completely after heat treatment procedure ( regardless of will be on 1,000,000 high quality goods, perhaps widespread utilization melee), without processing Tanzanite generally for brown, the Marseilles indigenous people discovered at the first blue color crystal will be an exception, will be before possibly, certain times will receive the nature the heat to change. Today in the market 95% blue color Tanzanite are the heat treatment achievement, when heats up to 1100 degrees Fahrenheit to 1200 degrees (600 degree C to 650C ), the Tanzanite eternal will transform to be situated between the amethyst and the sapphire special bluish violet tone, the primary cause was in the ingredient vanadium element has had the price change, this kind of heat treatment was Tanzanite standard optimization processing. Not only this has promoted her value greatly, also bloomed she proper beautiful, formed the Tanzanite most to receive the characteristic which the human liked.Tanzanite has a habitat in the world--Tanzanian Liya, not, if 3 BIG (ruby, sapphire and emerald) has the widespread habitat, can enough supply the market demand stably, the Tanzanian Liya the Tanzanite several years later mines the danger, this will create the upscale the Tanzanite jump for the lead who surmounted 3 BIG, this will also cause the future the Tanzanite " Stone " Difficult to ask!.

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